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What keeps me motivated?

 What keeps me motivated in life. ?

You will get thousands of search and option on the internet regarding this question. Also, many videos motivate you for a little time.  But still, have you noticed that this only the last of moments? 
 Yes.  It is because we are not focusing on the true cause. We are only looking for a temporary solution, not a permanent one. I was also such a part of this kind of behaviour and still, you can say I m part of it.  Because no one in this world can make them happy forever even if you have billions to waste. Pain and sorrow are part of our life and you will get that at any moment. From the time of birth to the last day of life,  you are around these 3 things - pain, happiness and sorrow.
 Once you realize the truth of nature that no one can change what's on you, you will have only 50% of the pain. Truth is the ultimate reality of life and the harsh part but still, it has only the power to lower the pain or sorrow.
